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A Link To Industry

Opportunities For Youth Employment Internship Programme

The Opportunities for Youth Employment (OYE) internship programme provide a platform for service recipients to receive practical hands-on soft and hard skills training. The aim is to enhance their employability skills in line with the industry demand. Trainees receive a minimum of two-weeks and maximum, 2 months generic or technical internship. This is made possible through strategic partnership with public and private sector actors, herein referred to as employment matching partners. The Public Employment Centres (PECs) under the Labour Department of the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations (MELR) provides lead to firms within Renewable Energy, Agriculture and WASH sectors, that have internship opportunities that match the career aspirations of OYE service recipients.

Agrigrowth Africa Foundation, a private sector player, with expertise in Agriculture, WASH and Renewable energy, onboards interested trainees to undergo intensive skills trainings and business establishment guidance. Through the technical internship, SNV GrEEn is nurturing youth (‘green champions’), ready to build sustainable green businesses to better their lives and their communities. Technical training has been provided in Poultry, Crop production, Livestock production and Agro processing for trainees interested in Agriculture and Agri-business. Other trainers have also undergone training in solar installation and repairs, biodigester construction, soap and beads making.

Meet Our Employment Matching Partners

Agrigrowth Africa Foundation

Agona Nkwanta
Western Region
📱 +233 24 332 3271

Public Employment Centres In Ashanti Region

PEC Offinso

Offinso Municipal Assembly
📱 +233 24 409 3772

PEC Obuasi

Obuasi District Assembly
📱 +233 24 441 6931

PEC Mampong

Mampong Municipal Assembly
📱 +233 54 700 7313

Public Employment Centres In Western Region

Labour Department

Regional Labour Office
📱 +233 24 253 1694

PEC Jomoro

Jomoro Municipal Assembly
📱 +233 24 011 9578

PEC Nzema East

Nzema East Municipal Assembly
📱 +233 54 384 9943

PEC Ahanta West

Ahanta West Municipal Assembly
📱 +233 24 253 1694

PEC Wassa Amenfi East

Wassa Amenfi East Municipal Assembly, Wassa
📱 +233 20 901 2812