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Boosting Green Employment and Enterprise
Opportunities in Ghana (GrEEn) Project


SNV Netherlands Development Organisation and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) are implementing the GrEEn project in partnership with the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development. GrEEn stands for: "Boosting Green Employment and Enterprise Opportunities in Ghana (GrEEn)". The GrEEn project is a 4-year project with EUR 20 million funding from the European Union Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF) for Africa and co-funding of EUR 600,000 from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ghana, SNV and UNCDF. GrEEn is implemented in two regions in Ghana: the Ashanti and Western regions. GrEEn aims at creating green jobs and promoting the growth of the green and circular economy in Ghana. The project will achieve this by improving skills and increasing access to finance for youth, Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), women and returning migrants. The project supports one of the objectives of the European Green Deal: strengthening the EU's relations with African countries through green partnerships in the promotion of sustainable development.

What do we mean by GrEEn Jobs and Businesses?

A GrEEn job, business or economy contributes to protecting and restoring the natural environment, and reduces the harm caused to it. A GrEEn job is also productive, fair and secure. A climate resilient community or local economy is able to better resist and adapt to the effects of climate change such as flooding and drought.

Some examples include

Compost/Biogas production

Organic horticulture production

Solar irrigation

Svg Vector Icons :
Clean cookstove

Waste recycling

Solar panel installation

Plastic recycling

Green building construction

GrEEn's Specific Objectives

To support communities and local economies to become green and climate resilient

To improve the ability of women, youth and returning migrants to take advantage of job and entrepreneurship opportunities in green and climate resilient local economies

To create and strengthen a local enabling environment that supports youth (self-)employment and the growth of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs)

What Does GrEEn Do?

GrEEn has 4 result areas: UNCDF focuses on Results 1 and 3, while SNV focuses on Results 2 and 4.

Supporting growth of local economies and creating short-term job opportunities through cash for work schemes for green and climate resilient infrastructure

Improving the ability of women, youth and returning migrants to take advantage of green jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities while also benefiting their local economies

Increasing access to and use of financial services to support cash-for-work beneficiaries and MSMEs to meet the needs of youth, women and returning migrants

Supporting and speeding the growth of SMEs in the green and circular economy so they can offer decent, fair and sustainable jobs to youth, women and returning migrants

Stages In GrEEn

Key Targets

Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies have transitioned to green economies
Decent and sustainable jobs created by MSMEs for youth, women and returning migrants (at least)
Youth, women and returning migrants have developed self-employment opportunities (at least)
Youth, women, and returning migrants added to the Financial Inclusion ecosystem (at least)