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Naforit Ventures

Rita Nana Agyeiwaa Dompreh

Naforit Ventures
Naforit Ventures
Naforit Ventures
Naforit Ventures

At Naforit Ventures, we are committed to responsible and organic poultry production. Here’s an insight into our practices and goals:

Organic Poultry: We specialize in raising broiler chickens and turkeys without the use of antibiotics. Our approach relies on herbs and spices to ensure that our poultry is healthy and free from harmful chemicals. This commitment to organic farming not only ensures the high quality of our products but also contributes to the well-being of our customers.

Sustainable Practices: Our production process is designed to have minimal impact on the environment. We have implemented strategies to utilize our waste effectively, including backyard gardening and supplying portions to vegetable farmers. These efforts help create a closed-loop system, reducing waste and supporting local agriculture.

Quality and Affordability: We take pride in offering organic and high-quality poultry products to our customers. On top of our commitment to organic farming, we also provide on-site dressing services upon request. This approach ensures the freshness and quality of our products. Furthermore, we strive to keep our prices affordable, making healthy poultry accessible to a broader audience.

Our Goals: Looking forward, we have outlined several goals to enhance our operations and impact:

  1. Increased Production: By October 2023, we aim to boost our production from 300 per batch to 400, ensuring a steady supply of organic poultry products.

  2. Acquisition of Equipment: We plan to acquire a defeathering machine by December 2023, which will improve the efficiency of our poultry processing.

  3. Employment: By December 2023, we intend to provide job opportunities to two more individuals, contributing to local employment.

  4. Diversification: Starting in January 2024, we aim to expand our operations to include layer production, further diversifying our product offerings.

  5. Business Expansion: By mid-2024, our goal is to secure a business land, allowing us to scale up and support our long-term growth.

At Naforit Ventures, our journey is driven by a dedication to organic and sustainable farming practices. We look forward to making our products more accessible, expanding our offerings, and further contributing to our community’s well-being and environmental sustainability.