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SNV Ghana GrEEn Project Bridging Gaps in Jobs Creation in Green, Circular Economy

Job creation opportunities exist in the green and circular economy.

But lack of career guidance and preparation makes many Ghanaians unable to identify and capitalize on existing opportunities, even at the district level.

GrEEn Project by SVN Netherlands Development Organization is however providing a permanent solution to this problem.

Through the GrEEn Project District Job Fairs, entrepreneurship in the green economy will be fostered through engagement with experienced business owners to inspire participants to start their own green businesses.

Under its Opportunities for Youth Employment (OYE) Programme, participants who are looking for jobs in the sector will also receive green opportunities at the district level to inform their career decisions.

The fair also serves as a platform for preparing skilled labor through employability sessions such as CV writing, job description analysis and cover letter writing.

The International Labour Organisation’s report, ‘The World Employment and Social Outlook’ released in April 2020 reveals that a shift to a green economy could create 24 million new jobs globally by 2030, resulting in poverty alleviation and improved livelihoods.

Skills Development Advisor for SNV’s GrEEn Project, Gifty Afi Cudjoe, says the project makes a call to ‘green’ business and employment decisions.

The four-year GrEEn project action is under the partnership of the European Union, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ghana, SNV Ghana, and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF).

The aim is to create greater economic and employment opportunities for youth, women, and returning migrants by promoting and supporting sustainable, green businesses in the Ashanti and Western regions.

According to Ms Cudjoe, SNV is also committed to supporting business growth and helping entrepreneurship.

“Green jobs and businesses in the circular economy are our solutions to a resilient, sustainable local economy,” she said.

Ms Cudjoe added that the GrEEn Project aims at creating greater economic and employment opportunities for youth, women and returning migrants by promoting and supporting sustainable, green businesses in Ashanti and Western regions.

GrEEn is implemented under the European Union Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF) for Africa.

SNV, UNCDF and the European Union, as development organizations are dedicated to supporting the efforts of the government in increasing opportunities for youth, women and returning migrants in Ghana.

SNV is also dedicated to supporting the growth of businesses and contributing to entrepreneurship.

As the effects of the climate crisis continue to intensify, SNV believes that jobs that can withstand and help tackle climate change are crucial to the future of Ghana and its citizens.

Bridging gaps in jobs creation

Green jobs and businesses in the circular economy are our solutions to a resilient, sustainable local economy.

In 2020, SNV Ghana signed an MoU with the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations to promote the implementation of the country’s National Green Jobs Strategy.

The GrEEn Job Fair is one of our activities to complement the job-creation efforts of the Government.

In September 2020, SNV in collaboration with the Offinso Municipal Assembly organized its maiden job fair.

Six districts in the Ashanti region, identified as hotspots for irregular migration would benefit from the scheme.

They include Offinso North, Offinso, Adansi South, Ejura Sekyeredumase, Sekyere Afram Plains and Sekyere Kumawu

At the Adansi South district where young people attended the program, the district chief executive, Francis Ankomah said SNV’s Opportunities for Youth Employment (OYE) Programme is a laudable venture which deserves maximum support.

He stated that unemployment has become a sensitive issue in recent times.

“Experience has taught us that, if we want to develop as a nation then we should pay particular attention to the welfare of our youth because they are the future leaders,” said Mr. Ankomah.

He admonished the youth not to waste opportunities since the way they handle things today will greatly determine if their colleagues would get such opportunities in future.

Five thousand young people are expected to be trained under the OYE programme to enhance their employability and entrepreneurial capabilities.

The OYE Programme focuses on three sectors; agriculture, renewable energy, and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).

The goal is to improve the employability and entrepreneurial capacity of beneficiaries, particularly women and returning migrants, by matching them with market opportunities.

SNV Ghana wants to create and strengthen a local ecosystem that supports youth development.

Out of the 5,000 people to be trained, SNV Ghana hopes to support 3,500 in setting up their businesses.

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